In the News...
Indian "Wtchcraft" - Family of 5 Beheaded ...
        ... and other exciting things:

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 They publicly beheaded
them with machetes; they
then marched to a police
station with victim's heads,

 Mormonism for  Dummies

 Atheist brunch

ccording to police
 records, some 200
 people havebeen killed in
 Assam in the past five
 years for allegedly
 practicing witchcraft.







   Indian "Witchcraft"-family Beheaded

     A family of five has been beheaded in Sonitpur district, north-east India, by a mob who accused them of witchcraft.

The tea plantation worker and his four children had been blamed for causing a disease which killed two other workers and made many unwell in Assam state.

About 200 villagers tried and sentenced the family in an unofficial court, then publicly beheaded them with machetes.

They then marched to a police station with the heads, chanting slogans denouncing witchcraft and black magic.

Pregnant wife fled
The incident occurred at the Sadharu tea plantation near the town of Biswanath Charali, about 300 km (190 miles) north of Guwahati, Assam's main city.

Sixty-year-old Amir Munda, who was killed alongside his two daughters and two sons, was reportedly a traditional healer.

After two plantation workers died and many others became ill from mysterious illness, other members of the Adivasi Santhal community accused him and his family of being the cause.

"A trial was held to prove if Munda and his family were involved in casting evil spells in the tea garden that led to a bout of epidemics in the area," police officer D Das said. "They said the killings would appease the gods.

"Munda's pregnant wife and her three young children managed to escape before the mob killed the other members of the family," A Hazarika, a local police official, told AFP.

Six people were arrested for the killings, Mr. Hazarika said.

According to police records, some 200 people have been killed in Assam in the past five years for allegedly practicing witchcraft.

Source: google.com

BEHEAD is a new word;  English speakers haven't heard this word in over 300 years.






Lion Kills Man Who Climbed Into Cage at Ukrainian Zoo

Monday, June 05, 2006

KIEV, Ukraine — A lion killed a man who climbed into its enclosure in the Ukrainian capital's zoo, police said Monday.

The lion attacked the 45-year-old Ukrainian late Sunday after he used a rope to climb down into an enclosure with four lions, said Kiev police spokesman Volodymyr Polishchuk.

He said the man, who was not identified, was acting aggressively and the lion seized him by the throat. The man, an ethnic Azerbaijani, died at the scene.

Ukrainian TV channel NTN broadcast interviews with witnesses who said the man told them that he wanted to test God, believing that God would not allow the lions to hurt him.

Zoo officials could not immediately be reached for comment.


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A US jury has found a
man guilty of killing his
sick 11-year-old
daughter by praying
for her recovery rather
thanseeking medical

Praying man let his daughter die - Dale Neumann faces up to 25 years in prison

The man, Dale Neumann, told a court in the state of Wisconsin he believed God could heal his daughter.

She died of a treatable disease - undiagnosed diabetes - at home in rural Wisconsin in March last year, as people surrounded her and prayed.

Neumann's wife, Leilani Neumann, was convicted earlier this year.

The couple, who were both convicted of second-degree reckless homicide, face up to 25 years in prison when they are sentenced in October.

A lawyer representing Dale Neumann said he would appeal.

During the trial, medical experts told the court that Neumann's daughter could have survived if she had received treatment, including insulin and fluids, before she stopped breathing.

On Thursday Neumann, who is 47 and studied in the past to be a Pentecostal minister, said he thought God would heal his daughter.

"If I go to the doctor, I am putting the doctor before God," he said. "I am not believing what he said he would do."

He also said he thought his daughter had had flu or a fever, and that he had not realised how ill she was.

Neumann's lawyer said he had been convinced that his "faith healing" was working, and that he had committed no crime.

The prosecution argued that Neumann had minimised his daughter's illness and that he had allowed her to die as a selfish act of faith.

They said the girl should have been taken to hospital because she was unable to walk, talk, eat or drink.

Instead, an ambulance was only called once the girl had stopped breathing.

Source: news.bbc.co.uk

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God's Brothel

The Extortion of Sex for
 Salvation in Contemporary Mormon and Christian Fundamentalist Polygamy
and the Stories of 18
 Women Who Escaped

by Andrea Moore Emmett

Rare witchcraft charge laid  --  Fraud Alleged

National Post  December 11, 2009

A m y   H u s s e r, C a n w e s t   N e w s   S e r v i c e

Police have invoked a rarely used witchcraft charge against a Toronto woman accused of defrauding a lawyer of nearly $150,000 after she reportedly suggested she was possessed by his dead sister's spirit.

Vishwantee Persaud, 36, is facing eight charges -- including two counts of fraud over $5,000 -- stemming from the nine-month relationship, said Detective-Constable Corey Jones of the Toronto police.

"The pretend-to-practice witchcraft charge is part and parcel of a larger fraud case in which she befriended a gentleman, who is a lawyer, claiming to be a third-year law student," he explained.

Det.-Const. Jones said the 51-year-old man -- identified by the Law Times legal publication as veteran criminal lawyer Noel Daley -- began to serve as a mentor to Ms. Persaud in February 2009. He paid her a modest wage.

As the two developed a friendship, Mr. Daley began to share personal facts about his life -- including information about his dead sister.

At that time, Det.-Const. Jones said, Ms. Persaud told him "she came from a long line of witches and she was capable of doing Tarot card readings."

Mr. Daley asked for a reading. "What she brought up in the reading was that the deceased sister's spirit had returned to Earth to guide him in business success and financial prosperity, and that the spirit of his sister had inhabited a female form close to him that he had recently met -- basically [implying] that it was her," Det.-Const. Jones said.

The law, outlined under Section 365 of the Canadian Criminal Code, doesn't make witchcraft illegal, but rather the deceitful practice of it: "Every one who fraudulently ... pretends to exercise or to use any kind of witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment or conjuration ... is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction."

Ms. Persaud pitched Mr. Daley a number of business opportunities -- including representing movie stars during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), Mr. Daley told the Law Times. He said he paid for clothing, spa treatments, office supplies, groceries and rent and transportation fees, among other things -- to the tune of $148,000.

When the TIFF celebrities did not show up to a party apparently organized by Ms. Persaud but paid for by Mr. Daley, he suspected he'd been had.

Det.-Const. Jones said Ms. Persaud, who was charged in mid-November, has a history of fraud, and was before the courts on several other charges at the time.

Source: nationalpost.com

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  Red Sex,Blue Sex  






R e d  S e x,  B l u e  S e x
Why do so many|
Evangelical teen-agers become pregnant ?

by   M a r g a r e t   T a l b o t

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Atheist brunch


...an unusual plea bargain in which her plea will be withdrawn if the child is resurrected.

Md. cult members face sentencing for child's death

BALTIMORE — Three cult members face sentencing in Baltimore for the death of a toddler starved for not saying "Amen" after meals.

The child's mother, 23-year-old Ria Ramkissoon, is already in a residential treatment program for young women as part of an unusual plea bargain in which her plea will be withdrawn if the child is resurrected.

Prosecutors say cult leader Queen Antoinette told the mother that denying food would cure her child's rebellious spirit. Antoinette, her daughter Trevia Williams and fellow cult member Marcus Cobbs face up to 60 years on second-degree murder and child abuse charges at sentencing.

Javon Thompson's body was found in a suitcase in Philadelphia in 2008, more than a year after his death in Baltimore.

Source: Google

  Amish man claims wife left him and their daughters after she was brainwashed by Amish beard-cutting 'cult'  
B y   D a i l y   M a i l   R e p o r t e r    2nd November 2011

Sam Mullet accused of beating and brainwashing members of his community
Accused of having sex with a number of different women on visit to the chiropractor
Former member says it may end in mass suicide or some other tragedy

Years before a breakaway sect grabbed headlines for a string of beard-cutting attacks in Ohio, an Amish community was living in fear of what they now call a 'cult.'

Aden Troyer says he and his family were brought into the sect by his wife's father Sam Mullet, who’s believed by many to be the mastermind of the beard attacks.

Now, years later, Mr Troyer still does not know what to tell his young daughters when they ask about their mother.

Mr. Troyer told CNN: 'I've kind of held back a little bit because they are so young, and I do not want to depress them.'

He is among those who claim Mullet’s militant behavior over his group is in stark contrast to the Amish faith.

Mr Troyer told the network: 'The way he's been treating and talking to people, he is not an Amish guy. He is not your typical peaceful, loving Amish person.'


He knew he had to get out, so one day, he scooped up his daughters and moved to Pennsylvania, but his wife wouldn’t follow.

They later divorced, and Mr Troyer got full custody of the girls.

The bizarre attacks last month have thrust this ferociously private community into the spotlight, with horror stories emerging of rape, beatings, brainwashing and kidnapping.

Arlene Miller said she and her husband helped one of Mullet's sons - Bill - escape from the clan and believes that may have been one of the reasons why he was attacked.

He is among those who claim Mullet’s militant behavior over his group is in stark contrast to the Amish faith.

Mr Troyer told the network: 'The way he's been treating and talking to people, he is not an Amish guy. He is not your typical peaceful, loving Amish person.'

He knew he had to get out, so one day, he scooped up his daughters and moved to Pennsylvania, but his wife wouldn’t follow.

They later divorced, and Mr Troyer got full custody of the girls.

The bizarre attacks last month have thrust this ferociously private community into the spotlight, with horror stories emerging of rape, beatings, brainwashing and kidnapping.

Arlene Miller said she and her husband helped one of Mullet's sons - Bill - escape from the clan and believes that may have been one of the reasons why he was attacked.

Until recently, the sheriff could do little, because the Amish victims chose to shrug off the assaults rather than bring in law enforcement. But with a spate of attacks since September, people began to cooperate.

Two of the Mullet's 18 children have been charged in the beard cuttings.

Johnny S. Mullet and Lester S. Mullet will go to trial along with Levi and Eli Miller and and Daniel S. Mullet. He is Mullet's nephew.

The men hired a lawyer and the case has been sent to felony court after they waived a preliminary hearing on the evidence last month.

They were freed on $50,000 bond, which Sam Mullet is said to have paid.

Sam Mullet denies his clan is a cult but sees value in punishing those who don't follow church teaching.

'You don't obey the law, you're punished, and it's the same way with the church,' Mullet said.

The men are said to have acted at the direction of the 66-year-old over an unspecified dispute about church discipline and practices.

In the Amish community, beards on men and long hair on women have spiritual value, and forcibly cutting either is a symbolic assault meant to denigrate.

The men are accused of bursting into an Ohio home on October 4 and holding an Amish man down as they attempted to cut his beard and hair off with scissors and a battery-powered shaver.

There were more attacks, with victims including children as young as 13, who were targeted by as many as 27 members of the gang.

The attacks occurred over the past month in the heart of Ohio's Amish population, one of the largest in the United States.

Authorities are investigating similar attacks in Jefferson, Carroll and Trumbull counties, all of which Sheriff Fred Abdulla of Jefferson County believes were orchestrated by Sam Mullet.

Sheriff Abdulla said he once had a good relationship with Mullet, but the pair have had many run-ins over the years, including when he prosecuted one of his sons, Crist, for raping a 12-year-old girl.

The sheriff also claims that Mullet threatened to kill him and some of his own children and was once involved in a custody battle.

Sheriff Abdullah told CNN: 'If I were to get a call right now telling me, "Sheriff, they're all dead in the community out there," it wouldn't surprise me.'

But Sam Mullett has denied he ordered the attack, but admitted the goal was to send a message to Amish in Holmes County, Ohio, that they should be ashamed of themselves for the way they were treating Mullet and his community.

Sam Mullet said: 'We'd like to get up in the morning, be left alone, live like normal people. They won't leave us be.

'But I didn't order anything like that. I didn't tell them not to, I'm still not going to tell them not to.'

Amish men typically grow beards as adults and stop trimming them when they marry, and the beards are held in high esteem.

He said the men hired a driver to carry them to Holmes County and to Carroll County, where a similar attack was carried out.

He said the driver didn't know what the men were doing.

Arlene Miller told how her husband Myron was dragged out of their bed by his beard, taken outside and assaulted.

She said: ‘The guys came up and surrounded him and cut off a chunk of his beard. They were unable to get any more because he struggled so hard against them.

'The [attackers] say this is to uncover sins, and it’s to straighten us out.’;

A 57-year-old woman said her sons and a son-in-law who had joined the rival group and are involved in a cult attacked her and her husband.

After chopping off her husband’s whiskers, they shaved her head.

'They did this to me,’ she said, taking off a bandana to show her baldness.

Source:  DailyMail.co.uk/news

  Preacher guilty on three counts  --  ROYDEN WOOD TRIAL

B y   J A N E   S I M S,   T H E   L O N D O N   F R E E   P R E S S        November 2, 2011

The last time former pastor Royden Wood had a poor result in the London courthouse, he told reporters gathered on the front steps that “revenge” on the part of his former church flock was behind his convictions.

On Tuesday, a much different Wood, 62, quickly walked past reporters without a word, holding hands with his wife, Linda.

But for one of the three women who the jury believed was sexually assaulted by the founder and leader of the now-disbanded Ambassador Baptist Church, there was some sense of relief.

“It really helps to close a long part of my life that I’m glad to put behind me,” said the 47-year-old happily married woman who disclosed to the jury her secret sexual contact with her pastor.

Wood, who now lives in Gravenhurst, was convicted Tuesday by a jury of three of five counts of sexual assault for long-term and intrusive relationships with female congregants.

The decision came after about eight hours of deliberations over two days.

Wood’s bizarre two-week trial offered a peek inside the strict, closed world of the church Wood founded and operate at Adelaide and King streets until 2007.

Though there was disappointment that Wood wasn’t convicted of all charges, the woman said “God knows the truth.”;

“I think the jury did the best that they could do under the ­circumstances. It’s a hard ­circumstance to understand,” she said.

“No sentencing will make up for the harm that’s been done to countless other people, but we can just keep praying that God will bring him to repentance and pray for healing for his family.”;

The complainants described sexual activities with their pastor, often under the guise of chiropractic treatments and creative marriage counselling to make them better wives for their husbands.

While a jury never has to explain decisions, it was obvious this one rejected Wood’s testimony he didn’t have sex with any of the complainants and they had motives to hurt him.

The remaining issue was whether the jury believed the sex was consensual or if Wood held such a position of power and authority in the women’s lives that they were unwilling but too frightened to tell him no.

The guilty verdicts involved Wood’s relationships with three women. One is a 62-year old woman who said Wood was worried he gave her a virus that causes cervical cancer. Another is a 47-year old woman who told of a father-daughter relationship with the pastor and has launched a lawsuit.

“It’s been eight long years” since she and her family left the church, she said. “Now I can say he did what I said he did. The justice system’s proved that.”;

Wood was acquitted of sexually assaulting a woman who carried on a flirtatious e-mail relationship with him years after the sexual encounters ended.

He also was acquitted of sexually assaulting another woman who said Wood told her “a sexual hurdle” needed to be crossed before a man and a woman could be friends.

Wood told the jury he is bi-polar and has epilepsy. He’s on medication that has left him shaky. During the trial, his chin and lower lip trembled constantly while he listened to the evidence. His wife and son sat behind him.

Wood had little reaction to the verdicts when they were read. His lawyer Alison Craig said she wouldn’t comment until after Wood’s sentencing in January.

In 2008, Wood defended himself without a lawyer at another Superior Court trial. He was convicted of nine assault charges involving boys who attended the church’s alternative school and three sexual assault charges for grabbing the breasts of two women in the church. Wood was sentenced to 11 months in jail.

The latest trial showed another layer of criminality at the church on the part of the pastor, who set himself up as the only authority and convinced followers to abide by his teachings.

The jury heard how Wood’s sexual appetite was much bigger and how he was able to convince educated, committed wives to take off their clothes and participate in sex acts, including intercourse.

There were salacious details about sex at the church, at Wood’s West Lorne home, in cars, vans, SUVs and in the women’s homes.

The jury heard Wood wanted to help alleviate the women’s back pain by pressing on “pressure points” in private areas of their bodies during his frequent treatment sessions and squeeze “toxins” out of their breasts.

There was a description that called the church was almost cult-like and the conduct described at church services was unusual.

Wood espoused his “communication program” where he encouraged men and women who were not spouses to get to know each other by going out on dates. There was a lot of hugging and back rubs during the three services a week. Wood is to be sentenced Jan. 20.

Source: lfpress.com/news/london/
Female -
   Suicide Bombers

Genital Mutilation
Islamic cleric bans women from touching bananas, cucumbers for sexual resemblance
Manar Ammar

CAIRO: An Islamic cleric residing in Europe said that women should not be close to bananas or cucumbers, in order to avoid any “sexual thoughts.”

The unnamed sheikh, who was featured in an article on el-Senousa news, was quoted saying that if women wish to eat these food items, a third party, preferably a male related to them such as their a father or husband, should cut the items into small pieces and serve.

He said that these fruits and vegetables “resemble the male penis” and hence could arouse women or “make them think of sex.”

He also added carrots and zucchini to the list of forbidden foods for women.

The sheikh was asked how to “control” women when they are out shopping for groceries and if holding these items at the market would be bad for them. The cleric answered saying this matter is between them and God.

Answering another question about what to do if women in the family like these foods, the sheikh advised the interviewer to take the food and cut it for them in a hidden place so they cannot see it.

The opinion has stirred a storm of irony and denouncement among Muslims online, with hundreds of comments mocking the cleric.

One reader said that these religious “leaders” give Islam “a bad name” and another commented said that he is a “retarded” person and he must quite his post immediately.

Others called him a seeker of fame, but no official responses from renowned Islamic scholars have been published on the statements.

Source: bikyamasr.com

  Torture of African children for being witches ‘is spreading’
E v e n i n g   S t a n d a r d                        by M i c h a e l   H o w i e   R a s h i d   R a z a q     25 June 2012

Child abuse in London linked to African witchcraft is “getting worse”, an expert warned as he revealed shocking details of a case involving the alleged torture of a 12-year-old girl.

Dr Richard Hoskins, a criminologist who specialises in African religions and beliefs, said he was investigating four cases for Scotland Yard in which sorcery or exorcism is believed to be involved.

The Roehampton University research fellow recently published The Boy in The River, a book about his most infamous case — that of “Adam”, an African boy whose dismembered torso was found in the Thames in 2001.

In spite of greater awareness about such cases, Dr Hoskins said they were becoming more widespread.

In one case, a 12-year-old girl from north London was found with 30 injuries including cuts to the body, and wounds from rods, knives and hot spoons. She was beaten and had chilli peppers rubbed into her eyes.

The girl, whose family come from the Democratic Republic of Congo, was placed in care.

Dr Hoskins said: “It’s a serious problem and it is under-reported. I’ve got several cases which are London-based child abuse involving witchcraft. I think it’s getting worse.”;

He spoke out as it emerged that Islington council paid for him to travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo to look into the case of a 14-year-old boy whose mother believed he was possessed.

The woman wanted to send the boy to the country for an exorcism and Dr Hoskins said some council officials were “mindful to agree to the request”.

He urged the council to turn down the request after learning that the “deliverance” would involve starving the child of food and water for three days.

The Met set up Project Violet to investigate child abuse cases linked to witchcraft after Victoria Climbié, eight, was murdered in Haringey by her great-aunt Marie-Therese Kouao and her boyfriend Carl Manning in 2000.

A Met spokesman said it had investigated 81 cases where a child was allegedly abused over witchcraft . Of those, 57 resulted in a prosecution.

Mr Hoskins gave evidence this year in the case of Kristy Bamu, a 15-year-old east London boy drowned in a bath during an exorcism. Eric Bikubi, 28, and Magalie Bamu, 29 — Kristy’s sister — were convicted of murder.

Source:  Standard.co.uk


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