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Monetary Exchange Rates

Numerical Elegance
of the Nephite System


 Links:        Facsimile 1   |   Facsimile 2   |   Facsimile B   |   Jos. Smith Papyri   |   Hypocephalus Gallery   |   Sheshonq’s Hypocephalus

A Seon of Gold *

A Seon of Gold *
From the Book Of Mormon
Courtesy British Museum



Coins From the book of Mormon: Alma 11
The numbers
[in brackets] are chapters in the BOM's   Alma

  [3,7]       Senum of silver = 1 senine of gold = 1 measure of barley = 1 measure of every kind of grain.

Exchange Rates for GOLD  Coins:
  [7, 8]        Senine = 2 seon = measure-barley = measure-any-grain
  [8, 9]        Seon    = ½ senine = 1/2 shum
  [10]          Limnah = 'all' *
  [19]          Antion= 3 shiblon

Exchange Rates for SILVER  Coins:
  [11]         Amnor = 2 senums
  [12]         Ezrom = 4 senums
  [13]         Onti = 'all' *

Exchange Rates:
   [7]         Senum = senine = measure-barley = measure-any-grain
   [8]         Seon = 2 senine
   [9]         Shum = 2 seons
[16, 17]        Shiblum = 2 leahs = 1/2 shiblon

The Numerical Elegance of the Nephite System:  The Mathematics of the Lamanites, As Far As It Is Translated Correctly by A.K. Nutley .   It is pointed out that at one time it was possible to get 1/3 shiblon as change for 1 shiblon and vice versa.

The Inspired text of the Book of Mormon (BOM) has many versions, translated correctly.  See chapter "Nephite Coinage Set Forth" in the chapter  Alma of the BOM in its 1981 edition.  However, the BOM is correct, as far as it is translated correctly.
See en.fairmormon.org/Book_of_Mormon_anachronisms:Coins            


Modern analysis shows that Seons of gold are an amalgam of about 66% gold, 32% copper and 2% silver, antimony and arsenic (for hardening), with traces of mercury and miracium92.
*  "A Limnah of gold was the value of them all." (stated in Alma Alma [11:4-10], of the Book of Mormon) -- how to make change for a Limnah ?
*  "And an Onti was as great as them all". -- Some Mormon Scholars have communicated to Translated-correctly.com that these Almic references indicate that Limnah s and ontis could be exchanged for any and all coins whatsoever, as well as for a number of day's wages, and for any measure of barley.

FIRST photograph of J. Smith



Newly discovered Mormon archeological evidence (external link: The Plates of Laman)   verified the existence of other Lamanite (early Mormon) coinage:
      (1)   A  yoni of gold = 1 day's wages
      (2)   144 Ontis of silver = 200 Olys of iron *
      (3)   A  Senine of gold and Silver = 202 Senines of Silver
      (4)   A  Heh-ku-kau-beam of Iron = a measure of Shiblons

* Archeologists have not yet been able to find the iron and steel mills in the pre-Colombian Americas.  Iron and steel are mentioned in many places in the Book of Mormon. Many of theses smelters have been found in all parts of the world, except in the Americas. Copper, silver and zinc mines and smelters are known to have been present in pre-Colombian America. Brass is a mixture of copper an zinc.

The Code of Hammurabi: What is a Mina of silver?

Perhaps Joseph Smith, in translating the Golden Plates took a lesson from another prophet, Mohammed.  Mohammed said in (Sura 4:11-12 and 4:176 Qur'anic inheritance law):  When a man dies, and is leaving behind three daughters, his two parents and his wife, they will receive the respective shares of 2/3 for the 3 daughters together, 1/3 for the parents together [both according to verse 4:11] and 1/8 for the wife [4:12] which adds up to more than the available estate. A second example: A man leaves only his mother, his wife and two sisters, then they receive 1/3 [mother, 4:11], 1/4 [wife, 4:12] and 2/3 [the two sisters, 4:176], which again adds up to 15/12 of the available property.  More

"Priesthood Since 1978"
Commemorative coin.

© National Maritime Museum, London

Coins from the Book Of Mormon



Coins from the Book Of Mormon.

A Roman Coin - CLEOPATRA.

See also:
1.  The English ~ Adamic Dictionary.
2.  HOW DO YOU LOSE A STEEL MILL: More about the coins: "...leaving the Mormons to worry about how to make change for a "Limnah," we note simply that although the ancient Americans had gold and silver in abundance, they never made coins or evolved a money economy. They used jade beads, obsidian blades, and even cacao beans as media of exchange. Never did they mint coins or create a standardized system of metal money." -- Frank R. Zindler

facsimile_b.jpg (144044 bytes)
Facsimile B

Mormon Coins
Links:        Facsimile 1   |   Facsimile 2   |   Facsimile B   |   Jos. Smith Papyri   |   Hypocephalus Gallery   |   Sheshonq’s Hypocephalus

Coins from the Book Of Mormon.  This is a SEON of Gold      


a YONI of Gold
Yoni of Ziff*

an ANTION of Gold

The SHUM of Gold 


Senine (of Gold and Silver)
Senine (of Gold and Silver)
Senine (of Silver), or "lesser Senine"


Unknows -- This may be the ONTI of silver, research remains to be done.
Onti (?)

EZROM of Silver  (of degree 5)

(of degree 5)

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Heh-ku-kau-beam of Iron


The US Government balked when Jos. Smith opened a bank and issued bank notes.  To comply,  he stamped the word ANTI-  on the notes and continued using this new money.

* Ziff See Mosiah 11:3 of the Book of Mormon

The  Heh-ku-kau-beam
Links:        Facsimile 1   |   Facsimile 2   |   Facsimile B   |   Jos. Smith Papyri   |   Hypocephalus Gallery   |   Sheshonq’s Hypocephalus


This is one of the rarest of Mormon Pre- Columbian coins. Only two have ever been unearthed -- one in Honduras and one near Alexandria, Egypt. This one is in EXCELLENT condition. It is on display in the Cairo museum, another is in the archives of the Mormon church In Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.



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(21 mm; shown enlarged size)

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