Riggs High School Pierre, SD My
high school made me stupid. |
When I attended Riggs High it was decided...
Death of an Old Farmer |
Out of this
sunlit world you went today |
Your end,
which science could no longer stay. ~ By AUDRAE VISSER |
Grass Roots Poetry |
Subject: Audrae Visser
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006Audrae Visser was my mother-in-law's cousin. Both were wonderful women. I didn't know Audrae was fired. Are you sure about this? Didn't they know about her son when they hired her? Audrae was Poet Laureate of SD until her death a few years ago.I got a kick out of your web page.
Sincerely, Kathy
No, I don't know for sure if she was fired or not. That's what I heard, and like many things in life, we're asked to believe in crap that isn't true.
Subject: Re: Audrae Visser
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006Hi Harald,Thanks for responding to my message [...] Audrae and Gerry's mom were very close, so I got to know Audrae when she came to visit Alma and Robert. I know a fair amount about her, and would be happy to share it with you--I probably have an obituary somewhere. I'll look for it.
I don't want to intrude into your personal life, but I'm curious as to why you are so enamored of Audrae, especially after all these years. She was a wonderful woman, but I know she had "crushes" on some of her students. Were you by any chance one of those lucky fellows? You don't need to be angry if she were, indeed, fired, as she had a wonderful life after Riggs. There is life after high school, isn't there--and it is as good as we choose to make it.
Hope I haven't offended your sensibilities, but from the tone of your website, I'm not too worried!! I gather you're outspoken, as am I; more so since Gerry's death.
Take care,
◄ Eva Olson
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2009
From: "Eva Hageman" <Eva.Hageman@dvusd.org>
Subject: Riggs High SchoolI think you must have way too much time on your hands to dwell on these two issues from our days in high school. I think we got a very good education at Riggs. We scored much higher on entrance exams to college than do students now. Do you really think that one chapter in a biology book makes or breaks the quality of your education? Had that chapter been covered would you have been smarter? The answer to both questions is "No." And, the school district knew that Miss Visser had a child. You are stirring up old rumors that had no basis then and still don't now. What you should do is come back to one of the reunions, visit with old friends and classmates and talk about the good times of which there were many! Quit dwelling on the negative, which in this case is really very minor. respectfully,
eva olsonEva Hageman, MA, EdS
Nationally Certified School Psychologist
Deer Valley Reserve Psychologist
"We scored much higher on entrance exams to college than do students now."
(Riggs High School has a lower scores now than it had in 1963?
... really? I maybe know what you mean, but did you say that right? :-)
From: "Mark Nellermoe" <footdoc@nventure.com>
To: <Nowscape@yahoo.com>
Subject: Harald the wicked
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009
X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook
◄ This guy, Nellermoe, DPM ( 2 Stars on Yelp in 2014)
NPI No. 1386733541; Lic. No. PO00000507 WAYou sound so unhappy. So you think you were short changed by your alleged censorship. Grow up. Your education obviously was good enough to get you through life. You certainly would have faired much worse growing up in the places you glorify by your adventure pictures: Communist Russia and Red China. Do you think there in no censorship in those worker’s paradises?
Such brewing anger and hostility, you make me think of the storie's of those dudes who crack and end up aiming their deer rifles at playgrounds from a bell tower. Harald’s neighbors hear me; take his guns away before he pops a cork.
Sent by: Mark Dale Nellermoe, DPM1310 S Union AveTacoma, WA 98405-1907
3929 Bridgeport Way W
Tacoma, WA 98466 Ste#308,
Phone: (253) 627-4181
Riggs High School
Pierre, SD
Class of 1977
Do I think there is no censorship in the "workers' paradise" of red China and communist Russia? What a queer question to ask! How many paradises exist, anyway?
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009
To: Mark Nellermoe
Subject: Re: Harald the wicked
You are mean to me for no reason, Mark.
You say that I am wicked, that I am childish, need to grow up, probably embrace communism and that I might try to kill my neighbors, for Christ's sake! Have you no class, no education, no tact?
Best Regards, if applicable.
After I pointed out to Nellermoe that he is mean-spirited and tactless for saying that I am wicked, that I am a coward, childish and that my neighbors need to be warned because I might try to shoot them. And He can't spell.
Subject: RE: Harald the wicked
Date: March 26, 2009
◄ Mark Nellermoe, Riggs High School graduate --
Really, if you can't take a malicious swipe, than stiffen your spine. I am standing up for my high school, where I have received a rather fine education, even with Jack Robinson as a Bio. teacher. I have no comment on your relative [sic] as I can have no knowledge of the incident. She seems to be a fine person; I even printed that poem as it struck a chord with me.
My intent was to off you an offence the like as yours to Riggs [sic].
What is the intent on that email trace? Is it in your nature, perhaps from days with The Company or are you trying to track me down to confront me?
He mistakenly thinks Audrae Visser is my relative. And He can't spell.
Subject: In Reflection
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009◄ Mark Nellermoe, foot doctor. After this DPM saw this web page, he "reflected"...
In reflection I believe I was rude and mean to you. I had no reason to treat you in such a manner as I did. I hope you will accept my apology for unkind words to you.
Best regards,
Mark Nellermoe
... He had to "reflect" to understand that he's rude and mean. His care & spelling & grammar reflect, a bit, also. Maybe Eva Olson is right: "We [1963] scored much higher on entrance exams to college than do students now."
What set me off to make this web page?... |
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 Dear Mr. Brakke |
From: info@pierreeducationalfoundation.org
There was a Class of '63 reunion in Pierre in 2023; Here are some pictures. Here is the link. |
Sally & Joe Hanson, reunion event organizers, in 2023 |
Nina Colbert & Sally Hanson, 2023 |
roster of the class of '63
My buddy Courtney Flateau
Class of '65;
His book, 1980 (Amazon).
"Dakota Lullaby" by Albert and Gage
(You Tube)
SD Abortion
SD Abortion
...for a booklet prepared by the 2008 Reunion folks:
file://vmware-host/Shared Folders/Desktop 2/@@html 10-31-2014 copied from HTTP/blk/images/21.gif
Something from my life in Pierre...
802 West Pleasant Drive, ca. 1961. |
W. Pleasant Dr, 1962. |
Somethings from my life...
Link Blackjack |
photo of me was made the
One bully
who never has apologized to me... or to anyone else I
thought he graduated with us in the
class of 1963, but no.
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